Please be sure to check your email blocking and SPAM settings! We communicate with you every step of the way, and need you to accept email messages from add.On this very day, Odyssey will be announcing and releasing their Odyssey Stroke Lab Black Toe Up Big Seven putter. Refunds will be issued within 7 business days of inspection of the item. A restocking fee of 15% of the original purchase price may be applicable. Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs and any applicable duties and taxes. Important Return Facts: All returns will be inspected prior to a refund being issued to ensure the item is in unused condition. A trackable & insured shipping method is strongly recommended as we are not responsible for merchandise that has not reached our facility. Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. All returns require an RA#, please contact customer service by PLEASE NOTE: There is a 15% restocking fee on all voluntary returns.

Questions? Ask Scratch the Caveman ! Note that RockBottomGolf only accepts PayPal as a payment method, however PayPal accepts all major credit cards *Subtitle - Please ! Please Bid And Buy Carefully! In the Spirit of the eBay Marketplace, your Bid or Buy-It-Now selection is a commitment to purchase the item as advertised! Return Policy Buy-It-Now only items may be returned in an UNUSED condition within 14 days. (Advanced Roll Technology) - The multi-material construction results in the lowest and deepest center of gravity of any Odyssey putter line, giving you better, quicker and truer roll. The face surface has been roughened to enhance the sound at impact with softer golf balls this rough texture also helps increase friction between the ball and the insert to promote forward roll. The inner core is 19.6% firmer to enhance the feel and 92% stiffer for better resiliency. White Ice Insert - This multi-layer insert has been fine-tuned to enhance sound, responsiveness, resiliency and consistency. Stroke Balance - Creates a putter balanced on the axis of the putting stroke, which promotes a fluid, stable stroke path that is more consistent and accurate, and also leads to better distance control. The position of your hands also encourages a longer and lower follow-through for better consistency. This type of ascending stroke imparts topspin faster, generating true roll. The shaft position also helps create a stable, straight line with your leading arm, so your wrists are less likely to break down during the stroke. Forward Press Stabilization - Hands-forward position, without de-lofting, promotes an upward stroke into the ball. This provides an unprecedented visual aid in lining up putts to the target line for precision and accuracy. Features: Visible Face Alignment - Allows you to clearly see if the face of the putter is square to the target line, without the shaft impeding your line of site. Stroke balance ensures an in-line axis, which promotes the smoothest, most consistent stroke possible. Visible Face Alignment gives you clear sight for parallel and perpendicular alignment aids, while Forward Press Stabilization delivers proper hand position and creates true roll and stability. Hover Over Images To Enlarge! Stock Photo Please Check Specs & Description For Specifics Questions? Ask Scratch the Caveman! ! International Customers Responsible For Duties/Taxes A $15 Surcharge Applies To AK/HIA $20 Surcharge Applies To US Protectorates New Odyssey Golf - Backstryke Sabertooth Putter - 35" Brand: Odyssey Golf Model: Backstryke Sabertooth Condition: Brand New/Factory Sealed Dexterity: Men's right Handed Makeup: 35" Mallet Putter Shaft: Odyssey Stock Steel Flex: Putter Flex Grip: Stock Odyssey Putter Length/Lie: 35"/Standard Head Cover: Matching (Included) Stock # : 11ODYBKSSABMRHREGST35I01 The new Backstryke Sabertooth is a putter so revolutionary it could improve your stroke, put your mind at ease and change the way you think about putting forever.